
Monday, June 25, 2012

Warm Gospel 07: DJ DJ Tanner - Idol (c47)

DJ DJ Tanner - IDOL c47


“Here we go loop-de-loop!” Part 3 in the series feels familiar: like déjà vu, but not in a comfortable way. After the reel is just another reel. What are you so worried about? Have another drink, the night is far from over, although I know you were thinking about going home anyway. But the music starts to slow down. Not in tempo, but like its stretching, sagging downward, and you hear voices right next to you.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Warm Gospel 06: Tires/Big Digital Split - The Girl Who Gets a Charge Out (c24)

Tires/Big Digital Split - The Girl Who Gets a Charge Out c24

For me, it’s weird when a jam session manages to impress. In Big Digital’s first (and last?) show, keyboard, vocal loops, and various electronics were folded into the broken, sludge of post-dance music Big Digital channels and tweeks through his own pile of chords and effect pedals. And through all of the murk, beautiful sounds protruded outward from the wall of noise before decaying and crumbling to the ground. Rather than relying on echoes and reverb to project the sounds out into infinity, Digital Bear opts to keep it close, never allowing any sound to stray too far from the haze.


"Electronic rock band Tires plays primarily instrumental music, with an emphasis on groove and a layered palette (including the occasional electric drill on guitar). The huge sound produced is accomplished by just two people: Phil Young on guitar and electronic sound manipulations, and Jordan Mayland on drums and synthesizers.

The two are in a virtual “who’s who” of Iowa bands, including The Wheelers, The Volcano Boys, The Mantis Pincers, Nuclear Rodeo, and many others. As if that wasn’t enough, they often control their own lighting during performances as well."

-Bryon Dudley (GDMMC -


Warm Gospel 05: SOAP - Layers (c30)

SOAP - Layers c30

This stagnant, beautiful tape sounds like it was recorded in the deepest part of some cave off of the Atlantic Ocean where heavy waves of water drift in slowly, splashing against the cave walls lightly enough to pull a 9 or 9.5 from an Olympic diving judge if they had been around to judge the waves based on how small of a splash they were making, and if those waves were actually Olympic divers instead of, well, waves.

However, SOAP comes straight from one of the most landlocked places in the whole United States of America – Iowa, so it is surprising how much the tape sounds like it could have been a collection of water-drenched, Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill-era Grouper demos.