Iowa City’s space noise purveyor, Zach Straight, releases his synthetic explorations under the moniker SEEZUREFACE. With his second album on Warm Gospel, Straight has taken on something of an alien perspective, attempting to force field samples of ordinary human media and entertainment out of any recognizable context by scattering them across cosmic rings of synthesized noise. It’s like Earth’s radio signals, degraded by light years of travel, being picked up through layers of moving white noise outside of the Milky Way galaxy.
On MESSY SETI CASSEVETES, his approach lies somewhere between the sonic walls of Tangerine Dream and the remaining puddles from 2012’s flash flood of vaporwaves. It leaves the music in a calming state of ambience, accompanied by soft drums ringing out like raindrops on your windows. The buried spoken-word samples from years of film history remind you that, despite the motion sickness from all of this interplanetary traveling, you are never really too far from home.
Breathe. There may not be oxygen here, but the air is fine.